感謝社區居民支持 債券議案擱置不表決
On July 28, 2022, the Cupertino Union School District Board of Education has officially tabled the bond measure originally proposed to be placed on the ballot of General Election in November 2022. Except for Trustee Lori Cunningham and Sylvia Leong, the rest of the Board acknowledged the lack of support from the community and the relevant agenda item was concluded without being put to vote. Consequently, the bond issue will not come up again until the next election cycle in 2024.
Along with parcel tax (tabled June 16, 2022), this year, we have successfully stopped the Board in time twice before they irresponsibly spent more taxpayer money and risked losing more tax measure elections.
Together. we saved Cupertino, San Jose, Sunnyvale, Saratoga, Santa Clara, and Los Altos taxpayers more than $479M. We would like to thank the community for the ardent support: e-mailing Board members, participating in discussion online, attending the Board meetings in-person, and so forth.
We care. We know our kids deserve better. And we will make our voice heard. Please join our NextDoor group and mailing list below for updates.
2022/07/28 庫比蒂諾學區委員已正式擱置債券議案討論,2022 年 11 月的期中選舉將不會表決相關議案。除了 Lori 和 Sylvia 堅持己見,其餘三位學委皆感受到社區居民支持度不足,直接擱置此議案,並未進一步投票。債券相關的議案,直到 2024 年的另一輪選舉才可能重啟討論。
連同 6 月的土地稅,今年我們已經連續兩次成功阻止學區恣意妄為,繼續拿納稅人的錢隨意提出加稅議案。我們共為 Cupertino, San Jose, Sunnyvale, Saratoga, Santa Clara 和 Los Altos 學區區內的居民省下 4.79 億美金。
若想收到最新消息,請在以下表單,留下 e-mail,方便聯繫。
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Update 06/15/2022
Given the meeting agenda, the CUSD Board is set to discuss “placing a Parcel Tax and/or a GO Bond measure in the upcoming November election and next step” this Thursday (June 16) at 6 pm. We encourage community members to sign up for public comment and voice their concerns at the meeting. See here for instructions.
學委將於 06/15 晚間六時召開委員會,會間將討論是否要在 11 月期中選舉時一同表決與學區預算相關的兩議案,分別是加收土地稅 (parcel tax)、授權學區發行債券 (bond),從地價稅支付。對此類選舉較為陌生的家長,可參考去年選舉的投票說明 (parcel tax 議案 A) 以及今年加州初選 (FUHSD 債券議案 G)。此類議案考驗家長與納稅人對學區區委的信賴程度,若議案通過,我們將會交更多稅,從而使得學區有更多收入可運用。我們希望家長可以在學委開會時發表意見,只要填寫表單便可透過 Zoom 發言,具體看這裡。如有疑問,請聯繫我們。